KOESLAG RECORDS SHUTOUT against ATTACK, News, Novice Rep, U9, 2014-2015 (TCDMHA)

This Team is part of the 2014-2015 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Feb 01, 2015 | Vonnie Crawford | 830 views
Big win tonight for the TCDMHA Horton Concrete Novice Rep team as they faced the Owen Sound Jr. Attack Novice Select in exhibition at the Harry Lumley Bayshore Arena with a final score of 6-0. 

The Rebels meant business as their skates hit the ice and kept the momentum going until the final buzzer rang
Nathaniel Gibbons, Austin Cook and Alex Baker each scored two goals. Two assists went to Austin Cook, Alex Baker and Karissa Rasmussen.  Aiden Callahan-Cummins and Avery Murray each got one assist.

Last but not least, first shutout win for  goalie Javier Koeslag!
Horton Concrete Finishing
Concrete Finishing Specializing in Floors, Driveways, Sidewalks, Foundations Kelly Horton 519-794-4601