Jan 21, 2015 | Vonnie Crawford | 1173 views
The TCDMHA Horton Concrete Novice Rep travelled to Ayton this evening to face the West Grey Warriors. The result was a 3-1 loss for the Rebels but it was not for lack of effort
Despite the loss, the Rebels performed amazing and didn't make it easy for the Warriors to claim victory. Lots of shots were fired from the Rebels forward lines, defence was strong and our goalie Javier Koeslag made some fantastic saves and kept the fans on the edge of their seats. The lone goal was netted by Austin Cook.
The biggest honour of the night was when the Warriors Head Coach came to our dressing room after the game and presented our whole team with their "Hardest Working Player of the Game" award for all the effort and determination that was demonstrated during the game.
Be Proud Rebels for a game well played!