PeeWee B Girls win BRONZE!, News, PeeWee Girls "B", U13 2012/2013, 2016-2017 (TCDMHA)

This Team is part of the 2016-2017 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Apr 10, 2017 | Amanda Roney | 1840 views
PeeWee B Girls win BRONZE!
What a weekend at PROVINCIALS with wins, losses, comebacks and a Bronze Medal!

This is it for this team for this season and what a season it has been!  Bitter sweet to be writing this knowing that all great things come to an end at some point, but what an amazing season these girls have given us and we are all so proud!

We traveled down on Thursday night in nasty winter weather as game 1 was at 8am Friday so it was going to be an early start for the girls.  First game was against Durham West Lightning and oh my it was a big win with a score of 8-1 for the TCDMHA Rebels.  Maizy Hutchinson earned a Hat trick on her Birthday, Tara Meikle had a double, Brooke Farrow, Jenna Bridge and Meghan Prentice all added singles with assists going to Summer Roney, Emma MacDonnell, Alex Nicholls, Georgia Rutter, Maggie Klunder, Natalie Madill and 2 for Tara Meikle! Huge win for the girls to start off with

Game 2 was later in the afternoon against The North Halton Twisters and once again the ladies were there to win!! Another big win of 4-0 with the goals going to Meghan Prentice assisted by Tara Meikle,  double for Kloey Jex assists to Emma MacDonnell and Georgia Rutter. Tara Meikle added a single assisted by Maggie Klunder.  Now it was off for supper and Birthday cake back at the hotel and early to bed as we were lucky enough to have another 8AM game on Saturday!

Game 3 was the last game of the round Robin and we were matched against Lindsay Lynx and the team played well yet again.  We were able to score 3 goals in the first period scorers were Tara Meikle top shelf! Then Kloey Jex with 2 goals assisted by Emma MacDonnell and Maizy Hutchinson but Lindsay wasn’t far behind as they got one in the first and one early in the second to make it a tight game but then the girls were able to get 2 more goals Kaitlyn Nickason with a bullet from the blue line and Kloey Jex with an empty netter to earn her a hat trick final score 5-2.

Now we wait to see who we are playing against for the quarter final and we ended up with a rematch with Lindsay and I would say this was the game of the tournament and the Season!! All we can say is WHAT A COME BACK!  The team proved to us what they were made of and WOW well done team! We are now to the point that we have to win or we are out and Lindsay had played that afternoon to avoid elimination and they were a force to be reckoned with as they wanted it.  Lindsay was able to score first and the Rebels were able to tie it up in the first period when Kloey Jex scored on a Power Play assisted by Maizy Hutchinson but then Lindsay took the lead.  The second started and Lindsay scored again now to have a 3-1 lead over TCDMHA. We were able to score just before the second was done on another Power play and this was an amazing shot from the blue line for Maggie Klunder assisted by Meikle.  The coaches had a short chat with the girls before the third started and told them that the game wasn’t over and they were so right.  The girls put their “Work Boots on” to get the job done!  With 5:15 left in the third Kloey Jex scored assisted by Alex Nicholls and now we are tied 3-3 and then right after at 5:07 Jex scored again assisted by Emma MacDonnell to give us the lead but then Lindsay would score again to tie it 4-4. Emotions were high on the bench as this was an elimination game and these girls wanted this win!  Then with 1:00 left in the third JENNA BRIDGE would score the last goal of the game assisted by Kloey Jex…….What a roller coaster this game was but the team kept it together and kept each other up and they pulled out the win.  They now were off to the semis once again at 8AM (lucky us) to decide what medal they were playing for.


The Rebels were playing the Nepean Wildcats a totally new team and they were a strong competitor for these girls. The Rebels were not able to get the win this time as the game ended in a 5-2 loss against the Wildcats but it was a great game!  With goals scored by Kloey Jex and Meghan Prentice assisted by Emma MacDonnell and Tara Meikle.  This put the Rebels in the Bronze Medal game against Mitchell at 12:45!

The team was emotional even before the game started as they all realized this was it no more practices no more games! They were going to miss each other as they have been with each other since September! Once again for the last time this team hit the ice and finished strong and won the Bronze with a 2-0 win With TARA MEIKLE scoring both unassisted.  Shout out to both our goal tenders Cameryn Gatmeman and Laura Naves as they have been so consistent and strong in the net for the entire season!

This is it for this team there are no words to describe how well this year has gone!  We were lucky enough to have had new families join out TCDMHA family and we are so happy that you all ventured our way!  This is what it is all about meeting new people and making lifetime friendships for the players and parents.  Our bench staff would like to say that It truly been an honor to be a part of this experience! Thanks ladies!                                                                                                             


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