Dec 11, 2016 | Michelle Rasmussen | 699 views
Hometown Match-Up
The outcome was known before the game began...Rebels Win! It was just a matter of which team was going to be the lucky Rebels team to claim the victory.
It was the first match-up of the season between the two Atom LL teams. The crowd in Keady on their feet, pressed up against the glass in anticipation. It was Andersen McComb who got the Atom LL#2 team on the board first, just 33 seconds into the game with a pass up the ice from Finn McKee. The goaltenders were kept busy at both ends of the ice, with high and low shots. Ashton Spencer and Jackson Greig led the #2 squad each recording hat-tricks. McComb would add another of his own as he slid the puck under the pads of the keeper. Rebels win 8-1!