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Jul 16, 2011 | Vonnie Crawford | 1443 views
It's only mid July but the TCDMHA executive is busy planning for the 2011-2012 hockey season

With the 2011-2012 Hockey season fast approaching the TCDMHA executive is busy planning.  Pre Season planning includes securing Team sponsors for the upcoming season.  Team sponsors are a huge part of our association and without them we couldn't continue to offer the programs we provide. If you know anyone interested in supporting TCDMHA please let us know.  

Coaches, Trainers & Team Managers - we can't do it without the dedication of our Coaches, Trainers and Team Managers, if you would be willing to volunteer your time and assist on the bench with a team please complete a Team Staff Application and submit it today.  It's not too Late....   Our Rep Coaches will be noticed September 1st with the balance of bench staff selected following tryouts.  Coaches, Trainers & Manager from outside our membership is welcome, if you know anyone in the community willing to dedicate time to Minor Hockey please have them complete a Team Staff Application

Ice - yes we need ice to play hockey so ice time is being secured in each of our 3 arenas a full list of times and ice slots will be posted once everything is finalized.

Tryouts have been confirmed:  September 17th, 18th, 24th, 25th  in DESBORO
Tryout Ice Schedule:   7:30am-8:45am  Novice

                               8:45am-10:00am Midget girls
                               10:00am-11:15am Atom
       11:15am-12:30pm PeeWee girls
       12:30pm-1:45pm PeeWee boys
       1:45pm-3:00pm Bantam

Tryout Fees remain the same @ $10.00 per skate, payable at registration.  Please complete the Tryout PreRegistration to assist us in better planning for jersey assignment and on ice help and evaluators.

Power Skating dates have been confirmed and each player is entitled to 3 power skating sessions.  Power Skating will run the weeks of Sept 19th, 26, and Oct 3rd, Monday to Thursday, group times will be confirmed.
Power Skating is free but to assist in planning our group sizes if could Pre-Register indicating your intention on attending would be appreciated.  Clinic Registration can be completed online

Chris Hall will be returning for another season and providing our Power Skating instruction along with opportunities to participate in user pay Body Positioning Clinic and Skill Clinic. 
Body Positioning Clinics will be held Oct 13 & Oct 20 in Keady
Skills Clinic will be held November 3rd in Keady

Cost is $15.00 per session - Please Register Early to confirm your spot and avoid risk of these clinic being cancelled.  Clinic Registration can be completed online

For additional information on both the Body Positioning & Skills Clinic please contact Robert Vokes 519-371-7338

Brent Fisher from the 2011 OHL Champions the Owen Sound Attack will coordinate our Goalie Clinic being held on October 27th in Keady.  The Goalie clinic is FREE for all TCDMHA goalies and members of other associations are welcome to attend cost is $25.00.  To assist in planning our goalie clinic we request that you Pre-Register using the online Clinic Registrration Form

HAVE A SAFE AND HAPPY SUMMER, check back often for news and updates for the upcoming season.
Township of Chatsworth
Essentially a rural community, the Township of Chatsworth takes its flavour from the farmlands and forests surrounding it. We welcome visitors to stop and visit as you drive through central Grey County. Amalgamated January 1, 2000, the Township of Chatsworth is made up of the former Townships of Holland and Sullivan and the Village of Chatsworth. The Township population is approximately 8,000 in an area of 260 square miles. Agriculture is the most predominant industry in the Township. There are also a significant number of sawmills in the township, many operated by the Amish community. Tourism and recreation are a growing industry. The Niagara Escarpment, 6 county forests, numerous conservation areas, inland lakes and major rivers provide plenty of year round activities including hiking, biking, snowmobiling, and cross country skiing.
Township of Georgian Bluffs
Just a few hours from major Ontario cities, Georgian Bluffs is a collection of communities stretching north from Chatsworth to just south of Wiarton. Copper Kettle, Cobble Beach, Slough of Despond, Big Bay, Oxenden, Balmy Beach… these are just some of the names that paint a picture of the Georgian Bluffs canvas along the Georgian Bay Coastal Route. We have the natural beauty of waterfalls, the Niagara Escarpment and the blue waters of Georgian Bay just to mention a few of our natural amenities. We are a township for all seasons!