Mar 06, 2017 | Karin Stockwell | 716 views
Leading the charge!
The Moggie Valley Timber Midget LL Rebels exploded out of
the gate, scoring a mere 46 seconds after the opening faceoff in yesterday’s
game against the Blyth-Brussels Black team in WOAA playoff action.
Leading the charge was team captain, Matt Woodroffe, who scored what would turn out to be the Rebels’ lone goal, assisted by Noah McNab and assistant captain, Brodey Barwick. Unfortunately, by the end of the night, Blyth-Brussels scored five to win the game 5-1.
Now is as good a time as any to tell you what the score doesn’t: every single Rebels player has grown over the course of the season, not only in individual skills and team play, but also as a person, showing increased determination, maturity, and leadership. Guided by the positive and encouraging mentorship style of head coach, Will Elliot, and supported by the strategic and developmental input of trainer, Harold Woodroffe, and assistant coach, Greg Fritz, these boys have undergone transformations as people as well as hockey players. The leadership contributions - on and off the ice - by team captain, Matt Woodroffe, and assistant captains, Josh Fritz and Brodey Barwick, have been an instrumental part of this change. The lead-by-example styles of Matt, Josh, and Brodey speak volumes and their words of encouragement mean a great deal to their teammates.
Over the course of the year, the Rebels have learned to rely on each other to accomplish mutual goals, to recognize the impact that individual actions – good and bad – has on the team, and to value the abilities and contributions that each player brings to the arena. This team is able to have fun despite the score and has learned that there is much more to the game of hockey than putting a puck in the net (or keeping one out) and accumulating points in the win column.
The skills and character that these boys have developed this season will do them well wherever they go and whatever they choose to do. It has been a privilege to witness this awesome transformation.