Roster, Novice Rep, U9, 2014-2015 (TCDMHA)

This Team is part of the 2014-2015 season, which is not set as the current season.
Team Roster
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Horton Concrete
Novice Re
Front Row (L to R): Easton Croft, Brennan Snyder, Javier Koeslag, Neil Gilchrist, Avery Murray 
Middle Row (L to R): Austin Cook, Nathaniel Gibbons, Alex Baker, Aiden Callahan-Cummins, Aiden Fluney
Back Row (L to R): Larry Croft (Assistant Coach), Chris Baker (Head Coach), Anthony Gibbons (Assistant Coach)
Absent:  Lisa Snyder (Manager), Bev Callahan (Trainer)
Coaches & Staff