Roster, PeeWee Girls "C", U13 2012/2013, 2012-2013 (TCDMHA)

This Team is part of the 2012-2013 season, which is not set as the current season.
Team Roster
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Front:  Emily Roney, Kassey Mustard, Jessica Moran, Renee Farrow & Hannah Mustard
Middle: Brad Moran (Coach), Ashlyn Mackison, Erica McComb, Astelle Wardell, Brittany Batterman, Sammy DeJong, Grace Kivell,
Brad Vokes (Coach)
Back:  Kim Mustard (Manager), Rachel Mallette, Aly Airdrie, Gabby McNabb,
Brontae Frook, Kirsten Sutter, Chad Roney (Coach)
Coaches & Staff