The Boys Are Back!, News, Atom LL, U11 2014/2015, 2012-2013 (TCDMHA)

This Team is part of the 2012-2013 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Feb 07, 2013 | Vonnie Crawford | 1095 views
The Boys Are Back!
The TCDMHA Barry's Construction Atom LL Rebels brought their "A" game Wednesday night at home to take Saugeen Shores Storm #2 team 4-2.

The play was fast from the start and the boys kept it up throughout the game.

Pearce Lacey netted two for the Rebels, the second assisted by Jack Murray and Dalan Frook. Lorenzo Pedro came up with a third for the Rebels with a well timed pinch from defence and assisted by Clayton Kreuger.
A fourth goal late in the third from Jack Murray and another assist for Frook carried the Rebels through to the end.

It was a game played well by the whole team including a stand out performance from goalie Owen Mackison.

Player of the Game went to Charlie Scott. Keep up the good work, Charlie!

Way to go Rebels!!

Playoff scheduling will take place on Sunday so check the calendar for updates and game times for  Playoff ACTION!!! 
Barry's Construction
RR2 Allenford ON, N0H 1A0 Phone #: 519-934-3374 Fax #: 519-934-3461