Feb 07, 2012 | Deb McNabb | 968 views
3 goals in 18 seconds !!!!
The TCDMHA Ed McNabb Roofing Bantam LL Rebels headed to Wiarton Thursday night to finish off their last regular season game..
The Rebels were off to a slow start though, down 2-0 going into the second period, but they battled back and
Clayton Wathke assisted by Will Kavanagh finally got the Rebels on the board.Unfortunately in the 3rd, Bruce Penninsula added a few more goals, they were leading 7-1, but within 18 seconds, the Rebels scored 3 more goals, 2 by Will McNabb and 1 by Will Kavanagh, assists in those 3 goals went to: Kavanagh with 2, Will McNabb, Wathke and Skylar Golem.
Great comeback!! Good Luck in Playoffs!!