Jan 24, 2011 | Vonnie Crawford | 931 views
HOME & AWAY for Atom Girls
A home & an away game this weekend for the TCDMHA "Homelife Bayside Realty"
Atom C Girls
On Saturday the Rebels welcomed the undefeated Walkerton Capitals to the Desboro arena. The Capitals came on strong with 4 goals in the first 2 periods. Erica McComb put the Rebels on the score board in the third & the ladies kept the Capitals scoreless in the last period. The final score was 4 to 1 for Walkerton.
On Sunday the Atom girls travelled to Ayton to face the Noramanby Tigers. Both teams battled hard with a final score of 0 to 0. A great defensive effort by both teams with lots of back & forth action throughout all three periods. Emily Roney gets the shut-out!!
The Atom Girls will host the Markdale Shooting Stars next Saturday in Desboro.