Feb 13, 2011 | Vonnie Crawford | 902 views
ATOM REP Eliminated from OMHA Playdowns
What an exciting weekend of hockey for the TCDMHA Great Lakes Frame Company Atom
They went into Saturday's game in Mildmay, down 3 points to 1. Saturday's game end in another exciting tie at 3-3. Owen Torrie, Zack Vokes and Ty Mountain scored for the Rebels. This tie brought us back to Keady for Sunday's game.
It was a do or die situation for the Rebels and it looked like another overtime was in the near future. Unfortunately, with only 44 seconds left in the third period, Mildmay was able to score. The Rebels faught hard and they even hit the puck off the post, but it was not to be. Mildmay won 4-3 and took the series and the trophy. Goals for the Rebels came from Reid Gill, Owen Torrie and Hana Solinger.
Good work Rebels!
The WOAA Gregg Division Championship is our next target. GO REBELS GO!