Mar 11, 2011 | Lisa Horton | 967 views
Scarrow Records the Shut Out
Country Charm Mennonite Furniture Bantam C Rebels played the Port Hope Polar Bears in tournament action for their 2nd game on Friday.
With a slow start to the game, the Rebels poured on the heat in the 2nd with Melissa Stirling (Kristina Dyer) scoring the first goal of the game. In less than 20 seconds Morgan Potter (Caitlyn Golem) netted her first of the game. Her next shift out, Potter (Dyer, Taylor Slater) popped in the 3rd of the game for the Rebels and to end the period, Amanda Cook (Anna Henderson) netted her first goal of the game. Late in the 3rd period Cook (Lexy Horton) nailed the coffin shut to end the game 5-0. Recording the shut out was Patti Scarrow!!!! Lets head to the pool ladies!!!