Mar 06, 2011 | Vonnie Crawford | 1118 views
The TCDMHA Town & Country Garden Centre Midget C Rebel Girls ended
their2nd round of provincial playdowns with a 1-1 tie against the
WiartonPeninsula Wild Thursday night, but unfortunately it wasn't enough for
themto advance to the championships
Wiarton opened the scoring midway through the first on a goal by Cassaundra Bridge. Torie Lisk answered
back for the Rebels in the second. Rebels goaltender Michelle McNabb played a stellar game to keep her team in the running, but they were unable to put another one in the net and had to settle for a tie.
The Rebels would like to congratulate the Wild on their first place finish in the qualifying round and wish them the best of luck as they head to the OWHA Provincial Championships in April.