Feb 18, 2011 | Vonnie Crawford | 1129 views
Rebels split home and home with Wild
TCDMHA Sierra Aggregates Midget Rebels lost to Bruce Peninsula 5-3 Friday night
in Lion's Head, in a close matchup
Bruce Penn. scored 2 goals in the first period, while the Rebels scored a goal in the first period, and ited the game again in the second period. Bruce Penn. scored at the 6 min mark in the third period, and the Rebels tied the game again. Bruce Penn scored a quick goal, and an empty net goal jsut 2 seconds before the end of the game. Brett Posthumus, Jesse Fennell and Braden Gateman each scored a goal for the Rebels.
Tyler Moore scored a hat trick for the Peninsula Wild, with Danny Denes and Marty Thompson netting a goal a piece.
The next game for the Rebels in the round robin home and away series is Monday night in Chatsworth against Shallow Lake.