May 01, 2023 | Mike Murray | 1949 views
TCDMHA Registration is OPEN !
TCDMHA Registration for both OWHA and OMHA is now OPEN!
Get the early bird rate and
save $100 if you register by
June 1st.
As in previous years, anyone brand new to TCDMHA will have free registration.
OWHA (Girls) register here:
TCDGHA (Chatsworth) : RAMP Registrations
OMHA register here:
CHATSWORTH (TCDMHA) Registration Page (
Coach applications, submit here:
U18 B Girls Tryouts:
Thursday, May 25th 7:15pm
Friday, May 26th 7:30pm
Sunday, May 28th at 7:30pm
You can pre-register for tryouts here:
Permission to skate is required if not TCDMHA member