Parents and players,
We are pleased to have hockey back beginning tomorrow, Jan 31
2022. Please see your team schedule for practices and games.
Some specifics to note as we return to play:
- No more than 30 minutes in advance of your practice or game.
- *NEW * For BOTH Players and Parents - arenas across the province will be scanning your enhanced vaccination (QR Code) rather than the proof of vaccine paperwork. Please download your code and keep it on your phone, or on paper. For further information on the enhanced vaccine certificate (QR Code) please see:
- Don' forget accompanying government photo ID.
- Contact tracing will no longer be required.
- All players who are 12 years of age (plus 84 days) must have proof of vaccination.
- Capacity is limited to 50% of the arena capacity.
- Masks warn everywhere except on the ice.
- The provincially recommended self-screening process should always be applied in any public setting.
Please remember that these rules are set out by the provincial government.
As for games and play, TCDMHA managers are busy rearranging matchups and maximizing the rest of the season. Please be patient and helpful to their needs.
Thank you, and look forward to seeing everyone at the rink soon!
TCDMHA Executive