Just a friendly reminder to get registered for the 2021/22 season now! Registration helps us determine the number of teams and shapes our tryout process. Your prompt registration is appreciated.
Please note that your first payment must be made by Sept 1 2021 before a late fee of $100/player is applied.
So please get registered, and make a payment soon.
The registration page:
Regardless of the Desboro arena possible ice closure, TCDMHA has the support of the township of Chatsworth with regards to facilitating ice time, and we expect the SAME groups as in previous years (excluding last season) to be playing in the Chatsworth area. If Desboro is closed, we will utilize Keady more. The ice times available to us, should we utilize only Keady, are quite accommodating. We will continue to use our other partners in Markdale and Tara as usual for the older groups as in previous years (Pre-2020/21). We appreciate all of our partnerships.
TCDMHA is pleased to present our COVID-19 Recovery Plan to encourage new player to come to hockey. There is also an incentive for those coming back to hockey. Details can be found here:
TCDMHA COVID Recovery Plan 2021_2022.pdf