Oct 25, 2020 | Jeff Rosenburg | 1203 views
TCDMHA 2020/2021 Executive
Commencing November 1st, your 2020/2021 Minor Hockey Executive will be:
Past President - Jeff Rosenburg
President - Ejaye McComb
Vice President - Mike Murray
Town Contact - Amy Teeter
Secretary - Vacant
Treasurer - Kerinda Sowerby
Rep Director - Tim Gilchrist
LL Director - Vacant
Women Hockey Director - Dennis Watson
Womens Hockey Registrar - Amanda Roney
Ice Convenor - Chris Tripp
Directors @ Large
- Jenn Cosby
- Jason Ceasar
- Shelley Jackson
Full contact details are listed under Executive & Staff
A very big THANK YOU to out going executive members Shawn Greig, Tennille Shultz, Allegra Brown, Miranda Kreuger and Chris Baker. Many of these people have graciously agreed to continue working in the background to mentor new volunteers in their positions. Your years of volunteer service is very much appreciated.
Vacant Positions
The positions of Secretary and Local League director are currently vacant with 1 year remaining on each of their terms.
These positions are critical to the operation of minor hockey. If you are able to help out with with either of these positions please contact any member of executive ASAP.