Sep 25, 2020 | Jeff Rosenburg | 961 views
Payment/Cheque Collection - Sunday
Cheques can be dropped off at the Desboro ball diamond pavilion on Sunday September 27th from 11AM - 1PM.
Please date cheques for October 1st, December 1st and February 1st.
To help ensure distancing and safety protocols we are asking the following:
- One person per household
- U5 - U11 please come between 11AM and 12PM
- U13 - U18 please come between 12PM and 1PM
- Please have cheques filled out ahead of time, in an unsealed envelope with player's names, and amount enclosed. If this is not possible, please bring your own pen.
- Please wear a face covering if possible.
If you are paying by credit card, please pay 1/3 of your balance by October 1st.