Return to Play - Information Required, News (TCDMHA)

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Aug 23, 2020 | Jeff Rosenburg | 1452 views
Return to Play - Information Required
TCDMHA executive is currently planning for the 2020 fall season.  For us to plan, we need to know everyone's intentions on returning to hockey this fall so we can create cohorts that fall within the sizes mandated by the OHF, OMHA and OWHA.  

After reviewing the general information about the potential structure for the start of the 2020/2021 season, please complete the Registration Confirmation form for each player in your household.  It is imperative that we have this information for creating cohorts within OHF/OMHA/OWHA safety protocols for this season. 


At this point, we only have general information on how the season MAY roll out this fall as the situation is evolving constantly.  This information is subject to change at any time. 


Start Time: We are anticipating a start time no earlier than October 1st


Key Definitions for this season 


OHF - Ontario Hockey Federation (Governing body for all hockey branches in Ontario including OMHA and OWHA)

OMHA/WOAA Definitions

Cohort = WOAA/OMHA team with a maximum size of 9+1 

Bubble = WOAA/OMHA "League" with a maximum of 50 Players (max 5 cohorts) within a Public Health Unit Zone (PHU)


OWHA Definitions

Group = OWHA group registered as a for training and development purposes.  Sizes TBD 


Extended Group = A collective of specific OWHA groups that train within the OWHA requirements and do not exceed the numbers permitted by the Ontario government and PHU


2020/2021 Focus 

The focus for the 2020/2021 season is simply getting kids back on the ice, safely.  There will be no focus on competitive hockey, and there will be no tryouts at this time. 


The OHF has clearly indicated that there will be no return to rep hockey until there is a COVID 19 vaccine.  We will not be creatively bending safety rules and protocols put in place by our governing bodies to work around that mandate. These rules and protocols are intended to simply get kids back on the ice, safely. 


Fall Structure 

OMHA/WOAA - Minimum 2 weeks of skills sessions, followed by 3on3 within Cohorts and Bubbles of 50 players/league. 


OWHA - Skills sessions, with start of 3on3 or 4on4 at a date TBD by OWHA.  Group sizes TBD.

Please refer to OHF Return to Play Game Structure Appendix E-F for more details on game structure recommended by the OHF.


Team Selection 

There will be no tryouts this fall.  We will not be holding "evaluation skates" or any other form of tryout and calling it something different. Tryouts in any form are not permitted. 


A combination of birth year, age division and Rep/LL designation from last season will be used to divide teams as equally as possible.

There will be no Rep and LL bubbles created by OMHA/WOAA, so it is expected that all teams are equally divided.



 Screening - All participants must undergo the OHF screening process prior to participation in every game or practice. 


Contact Tracing - Only 1 (ONE) parent/guardian will be permitted in the arena for games and practices.  Teams must record which parent was in the arena for every practice and game.


Dressing Rooms - It is likely that dressing rooms will not be available (pending decisions by municipalities and Public Health). 


Payment Structure 


The OHF/OMHA/OWHA has mandated that payments be spread out through the season for several reasons, including the possibility of another shutdown of hockey if there is an outbreak of COVID19.

Whether costs for operating hockey this season will increase or not has yet to be determined. We are holding registration rates at their current levels at this time.


Our new payment schedule for this season will be divided into 3 payments (October 1st, December 1st and February 1st).  

More details about what payments methods will be available, and how payments already submitted will be handled will be announced in the near future.


OMHA/OWHA Return to Play Information

Information on return to play protocols from OMHA and OWHA can be found at: 

OMHA Return to Play Framework Addendum 

OWHA Stage 3 Programming

Please complete the Registration Confirmation form for each player in your household.

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