We hope everyone is taking some time to enjoy some downtime and staying safe and healthy. We would like to provide a brief update on the status of hockey as it currently stands.
The OHF has developed a Return to Hockey Framework and is working with our member partners (OMHA and OWHA) on what this may look like and the logistics surrounding it. All decisions and planning are being conducted by our governing bodies in conjunction with the Government of Ontario and Public Health authorities.
Please find the OHF return to hockey framework here:
We do not yet know what hockey will look like for the upcoming season. The OHF is working on multiple scenarios, which will all be based on direction from the Ontario Government and Public Health. The only thing we do know for certain is that hockey as we know it will look much different for the foreseeable future.
Based on a ruling from the OHF, registration payments are not to be received until further notice. This means:
- if you chose etransfer or credit card we cannot accept payment until further notice
- if you provided 3 posted dated checks, we cannot cash the remaining checks until further notice
If you have not registered for the upcoming season, you can still register. We just cannot accept payment until the OHF has lifted this restriction.
If you have already submitted payment (etransfer, credit card or 1st check has been cashed), this money will be held for now and adjusted at a later date when there is a structure in place and we know our costs for the upcoming season. Costs could be less due to a shortened season, or could be increased if the cost of operating hockey increased due to safety requirements etc. Hopefully costs will not rise, but we simply do not know at this point.
Permissions to Skate, Player Movement and Tryouts
We will not be processing any permission to skate requests or other team player movement requests under any circumstance. Please refer to the following OHF bulletin link below.