Jun 03, 2018 | Jeff Rosenburg | 1364 views
Jersey and Equipment Inventory
Year end inventory on all returned jersey and equipment was taken on Saturday. We are currently seeking the return of the following Jerseys and Equipment.
Barry's Construction
#32 Dark
Don Crawford
#7 - White
#13 - White & Dark
#30 - Dark
Moggie Valley
#21 - Dark
#22 - Dark
#34 - Dark
Horton's Concrete
#18 - Home
Howell Transport
#28 - White
#25 - White and Dark
#1 - White
Town and Country
#8 - White and Dark
#14 White and Dark
Extreme Heating
#21 - White
Sierra Aggregates - Complete Home Set
Goalie Equipment - Novice/Tyke/IP Size (2 sets not returned)
Red Trainer's Kits (Provided to Novice and Below) - 5/6 Kits Not Returned
If you have any of the Jerseys and/or equipment listed, or know who might please have it returned to any executive member, no questions asked!