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Apr 18, 2017 | Vonnie Crawford | 2838 views
Some of you, by now, have noticed a marked increase in registration fees for next season.  I'd like to take this opportunity to explain the rationale behind the decision to increase registration.  The plain and simple answer is that the Cash Calendar program has been terminated but the costs associated with running a minor hockey program still remain

The Cash Calendar program was designed to assist families in offsetting some of the costs associated with registration.  It also provided TCDMHA with a revenue stream that helped greatly in covering operating costs.  

Over recent years, it has become clear that many of our members end up buying their own tickets as many community members that would normally buy tickets have reached a point of "fundraising fatigue".  As an Executive, we had to ask ourselves why we were running the Cash Calendar lottery if people were buying their own tickets and just hoping to win, as feedback to your Executive indicated. 

One of the significant issues in dealing with the Cash Calendar is the amount of time and effort that it took for volunteers to run this program.  It certainly wasn't a matter of printing ticket books and passing them out for sale.  The rules for the Cash Calendar lottery were onerous and those responsible for administering the program assumed a great deal of personal liability.
In short, with the less than favourable feedback related to the Cash Calendar program combined with the increasing personal liability for Executive members the decision was made to terminate the lottery.  This will be done in accordance with Lottery rules and regulations and as always with a full accounting of the funds involved.  
For our Association members that required the financial incentive provided by the Cash Calendar program, PLEASE reach out to any one of our Executive members.  There are a number of programs that will help subsidize your registration.  Conversations regarding financial assistance are held in strict confidence. 

For our Association members that purchased their own tickets, you will see an overall decrease in your registration when considering the fact that the Cash Calendar program is now defunct.

As always, should any of you have any ideas, suggestions or concerns please contact any Executive member.  We are here for you.


Dwayne Frook
President - TCDMHA
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Township of Georgian Bluffs
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