Mar 17, 2022 | Jeff Rosenburg | 7693 views
AGM 2022 - We need your help!
Annual General Meeting is planned Wednesday April 20 at 7PM. The AGM will be held at the Keady arena.
Help is required for TCDMHA to continue to operate.At the Annual General Meeting the members of the association will vote to elect the following positions for T.C.D.M.H.A. Board of Directors.
Positions and Terms include:
President…………..........................two year term
Vice President.................……………two year term
Town Contact.............................two year term
Treasurer.....................……………...two year term
Ice Convenor..............................two year term
Womens Hockey Registrar............two year term
Director @ Large (2 positions)……..two year term
The following 2 vacancies remain open for a 1 year term
Womens Hockey Director.............vacant - one year remaining
Director at Large........................vacant - one year remaining
Please complete an Online Nomination Form, with two nominators who are members of the Association.