HEY YOU....... YES YOU!!!!, News (TCDMHA)

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Jul 08, 2016 | Vonnie Crawford | 8082 views
HEY YOU....... YES YOU!!!!
Summer is here but TCDMHA needs you NOW!!!!, 

Hopefully everyone is enjoying their summer activities but hockey isn't over,  executive is busy planning the 2016-2017 season.  With tryouts scheduled to start September 17th, it won't be long coming around.

If you haven't registered we would certainly appreciate you completing your online registration so we can confirm ice requirements and teams. It's as easy as clicking the following link and completing the form

 2016-2017 Registration

Executive can plan and prepare for the upcoming season but without volunteers we can't make it happen.  If you are interested in being a coach, assistant coach, trainer, manager, it would make it much easier if had names rather than making phone calls asking, or sometimes begging cause without qualified bench staff we can't put teams on the ice.  If you are interested or know someone who would make an excellent coach, trainer please have them complete the coaching application before July 23rd.  It's as easy as clicking the following link and completing the form

Coaching Applications

NEW - Sponsorship Committee

Looking for a volunteer opportunity to use your creativity and marketing skills.  TCDMHA is looking to built on our sponsorship program promoting the television advertising program we have in all 3 arenas.  Please consider joining the committee to encourage all local businesses to support the TCDMHA Television advertising program.

If interested please contact Dave Tedford or Dwayne Frook

TCDMHA is always looking for volunteers,   not sure if you qualify for a coach, trainer or manager?  Marketing and advertising maybe isn't your thing?   Click here to inquire about other volunteer opportunities.

"THAT WAS EASY"  thank you for taking the time to complete your registration and submitting a coaching application and VOLUNTEERING  


Township of Chatsworth
Essentially a rural community, the Township of Chatsworth takes its flavour from the farmlands and forests surrounding it. We welcome visitors to stop and visit as you drive through central Grey County. Amalgamated January 1, 2000, the Township of Chatsworth is made up of the former Townships of Holland and Sullivan and the Village of Chatsworth. The Township population is approximately 8,000 in an area of 260 square miles. Agriculture is the most predominant industry in the Township. There are also a significant number of sawmills in the township, many operated by the Amish community. Tourism and recreation are a growing industry. The Niagara Escarpment, 6 county forests, numerous conservation areas, inland lakes and major rivers provide plenty of year round activities including hiking, biking, snowmobiling, and cross country skiing.
Township of Georgian Bluffs
Just a few hours from major Ontario cities, Georgian Bluffs is a collection of communities stretching north from Chatsworth to just south of Wiarton. Copper Kettle, Cobble Beach, Slough of Despond, Big Bay, Oxenden, Balmy Beach… these are just some of the names that paint a picture of the Georgian Bluffs canvas along the Georgian Bay Coastal Route. We have the natural beauty of waterfalls, the Niagara Escarpment and the blue waters of Georgian Bay just to mention a few of our natural amenities. We are a township for all seasons!