Jul 28, 2015 | Vonnie Crawford | 4473 views
Robbie Hann would like to thank all the TCDMHA Rebels and their family and friends who supported him with their vote in the 2015 Canada's History Young Citizen competition.
With the help of your votes, He has been chosen as one of two students to represent Ontario at the National History forum Oct 15-18 in Ottawa!
This has been a wonderful learning experience and we thank all those who helped him earn a National Award with their support!
Robbie & Family
Robbie Hann goalie for the TCDMHA PeeWee Rep team this past season will be representing the Grey Roots Heritage Fair, Desboro school and his community as he participates in the Young Citizens contest through Canada’s History with his War on the water: The Battle Of The Atlantic video.
Please take a moment to vote for Robbie's video online. With our support, Robbie could win a trip to Ottawa to attend the Canada’s History Youth Forum. Voting takes place June 11th to July 5th
The Young Citizens program focuses on citizenship and is a complementary component to Heritage Fairs, an annual event where students present the results of their research on Canadian heroes, legends and key events in Canadian history. Participants in the Young Citizens program make a short video about their heritage fair topic, much like an evening news report or short documentary. The student videos are posted online and reviewed by a panel of judges for a chance to win a trip to Ottawa to attend the Canada’s History Forum.
Congratulations and Good Luck Robbie on being among the 200 selected young Canadians who share a passion for history and are great leaders in their school and community in the 2015 Young Citizens contest.