Sep 01, 2014 | Vonnie Crawford | 4755 views
TCDMHA Announces 2014-2015 REP Coaches
TCDMHA is please to announce the following have accepted the Head Coaching position for the 2014-2015 REP teams. More will be announced as they are confirmed.
If you are interested in volunteering with TCDMHA to assist as bench staff either COACH, ASSISTANT COACH, TRAINER or MANAGER please click here to complete your Team Staff Application we have many opening to fill both at the REP level and Local League. Without coaches, trainers, & managers these boys and girls won't have a team to play on.
OMHA TEAMS that have been confirmed to date
Novice REP - Chris Baker
Atom Rep - Rod Cayley
PeeWee Rep - Dave Tedford
Bantam Rep - Bruce Angel
Midget Rep - Bill Ottewell
OWHA Teams that have been confirmed
Atom Girls - Joe Rutter
PeeWee Girls "C" - Brad Vokes
Bantam Girls "C" -
Midget Girls "C" - Jamie Brancati