Apr 02, 2014 | Vonnie Crawford | 3980 views
TCDMHA has a new President
The Township of Chatsworth & District Minor Hockey held their AGM on Wednesday April 2nd in Keady.
All executive positions were filled with Kim Stewart was elected as President to lead the organization.
Your 2014/2014 Minor Hockey Executive will be
Past President - Dave Tedford
President - Kim Stewart
Vice President - Jeff Rosenburg
Town Contact - Vonnie Crawford
Secretary - Debbie McNabb
Treasurer - Katie Edwards
Rep Director - Dwayne Frook
LL Director - Grant Pringle
Women Director - Richard Doig
Ice Convenor - Cathy Kivell
Directors @ Large - Chad Roney
- Patti Jo Lacey
- Tim Gilchrist
Full contact details are listed under Executive & Staff
Welcome to new members Katie, Cathy, Jeff & Tim.