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Mar 31, 2014 | Vonnie Crawford | 3028 views
The 2013-2014 hockey season is complete with the exception of the PeeWee Rep participating in the St. Georges Hockey tournament on April 4th & 5th and the Bantam Girls who will be representing TCDMHA and our region at the OWHA provincials in the Toronto the weekend of April 11 - 13th.

The Good Ole Fashion Winter we have had added some challenges to the season but thanks to everyone's patience and understanding we were able to juggle schedules and meet all our league commitments.

It takes alot of people and time to keep the kids on the ice and the teams running smoothly.  Thanks to the
support of our arena managers, executive, ref assignors, league convenors, coaches & bench staff we've had another successful season.

We need to give a SPECIAL thanks to our Non Parent coaching & bench staff.  They give many hours of their time for the love of the game.
Ron Reid - Novice Rep
Dave Tedford - Atom LL
Tony Tedford - Atom LL
Michelle McNabb - PeeWee Girls
Kerry Sutherland - Bantam Girls
Kaitlyn Patchell - Bantam Girls
Brooks Nelthrope - Midget Rep
Kyle Linthorne - Midget Rep
Scott Catto - Midget Rep
Don Crawford - Midget Rep
Jeff Kavanagh - Midget Rep

All our young On-Ice Volunteers and score keepers THANK YOU, you will be the coaches of the future keep up the good work.

Township of Chatsworth
Essentially a rural community, the Township of Chatsworth takes its flavour from the farmlands and forests surrounding it. We welcome visitors to stop and visit as you drive through central Grey County. Amalgamated January 1, 2000, the Township of Chatsworth is made up of the former Townships of Holland and Sullivan and the Village of Chatsworth. The Township population is approximately 8,000 in an area of 260 square miles. Agriculture is the most predominant industry in the Township. There are also a significant number of sawmills in the township, many operated by the Amish community. Tourism and recreation are a growing industry. The Niagara Escarpment, 6 county forests, numerous conservation areas, inland lakes and major rivers provide plenty of year round activities including hiking, biking, snowmobiling, and cross country skiing.
Township of Georgian Bluffs
Just a few hours from major Ontario cities, Georgian Bluffs is a collection of communities stretching north from Chatsworth to just south of Wiarton. Copper Kettle, Cobble Beach, Slough of Despond, Big Bay, Oxenden, Balmy Beach… these are just some of the names that paint a picture of the Georgian Bluffs canvas along the Georgian Bay Coastal Route. We have the natural beauty of waterfalls, the Niagara Escarpment and the blue waters of Georgian Bay just to mention a few of our natural amenities. We are a township for all seasons!