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Jun 22, 2013 | Vonnie Crawford | 10046 views
Luke Waugh has been a big part of the Chatsworth community for his entire 16 years. He plays hockey and other sports, is a member of 4H beef club, and just recently got his drivers licence! He is well loved by his friends and team mates and is a great supporter of his community! 

On Sunday, June 16th, Luke was rushed to hospital with a LIFE THREATENING event. 
He was taken to London Health Sciences and has spent the week in ICU in critical condition.

His condition has now improved but he will be spending an extended period of time undergoing testing and recovering at University Hospital 

As you can imagine, Luke’s family has undergone extreme emotional turmoil as they have watched Luke struggle these past days.  Anyone would agree it is a parent’s worst nightmare!

Although money is the last thing that the Waugh’s are thinking about at this time, we also know that it is costly to have a loved one in a tertiary care centre. There are lost wages, hotel costs, travel costs and food to name but a few expenses. We are Luke’s extended family as players and parents on his hockey team and we want to help the Waugh’s during this time of stress. 

Anything that you can donate to the Waugh family at this time would be greatly appreciated. A trust fund has been set up at the ScotiaBank in Markdale and Town and Country Garden Centre is an acting depot for donations. 

Thank you on behalf of the Waugh family.
Township of Chatsworth
Essentially a rural community, the Township of Chatsworth takes its flavour from the farmlands and forests surrounding it. We welcome visitors to stop and visit as you drive through central Grey County. Amalgamated January 1, 2000, the Township of Chatsworth is made up of the former Townships of Holland and Sullivan and the Village of Chatsworth. The Township population is approximately 8,000 in an area of 260 square miles. Agriculture is the most predominant industry in the Township. There are also a significant number of sawmills in the township, many operated by the Amish community. Tourism and recreation are a growing industry. The Niagara Escarpment, 6 county forests, numerous conservation areas, inland lakes and major rivers provide plenty of year round activities including hiking, biking, snowmobiling, and cross country skiing.
Township of Georgian Bluffs
Just a few hours from major Ontario cities, Georgian Bluffs is a collection of communities stretching north from Chatsworth to just south of Wiarton. Copper Kettle, Cobble Beach, Slough of Despond, Big Bay, Oxenden, Balmy Beach… these are just some of the names that paint a picture of the Georgian Bluffs canvas along the Georgian Bay Coastal Route. We have the natural beauty of waterfalls, the Niagara Escarpment and the blue waters of Georgian Bay just to mention a few of our natural amenities. We are a township for all seasons!