Apr 22, 2012 | Vonnie Crawford | 2865 views
THANK YOU to everyone who has used the new OnLine Registration, it certainly helped speed the registration process today.
The online registration has been activated again following Sunday's registration. If you haven't registered please do so NOW, cheques will be received prior to the AGM meeting on Thursday April 26th from 7:15 - 7:50 in Keady. Returning players with cheques not received prior to April 30th will be charged a $100.00 late fee.
If you're looking to try a online form check out the coaches/trainer/manager application they are also being accepted on line and we look forward to as many responses using that form as the Pre-Registration.
See you at the AGM on Thursday, remember 1 lucky voting member present will win $250.00 off their 2012-2013 hockey registration.