At the WOAA Women's Hockey AGM meeting held recently in Wingham the W.O.A.A. Women’s Hockey Committee presented a motion to eliminate the W.O.A.A. residency rule in the W.O.A.A. Women’s
Hockey program. This motion was carried
With this motion being passed it will put the W.O.A.A. Women’s Hockey program in conjunction with the OWHA (our governing body); as well as many other Women’s Hockey leagues in Ontario that do not have residency rules.
The WOAA Women's Hockey Manual of Operations section C-1 will now read
Commencing the 2011-12 hockey season, any Women’s Hockey first time registrant within the W.O.A.A. shall have the choice of the centre she wishes to sign with. Any previously registered W.O.A.A. player who fails to register with their previously registered centre prior to September 15th is ineligible for a release. Any previously registered player who is registered prior to September 15th but wishes to play in another centre may request a release from the centre they are currently registered with.
This along with the motion passed at the OWHA AGM that changes the division in which we enter teams will change Women's Hockey within the WOAA and TCDMHA. Per this amendment our OWHA Rep teams will be entered "B" instead of "C" for our 1st Rep entry. We still have to option of entering HL
Amendment number 12 submitted by the OWHA Executive Committee that was amended to read Except in Senior, any association/team, with only one team in a division must register a minimum of “B”-passed
TCDMHA currently has team registered at each age group Atom, PeeWee, Bantam & Midget, if you are interested in playing Girls hockey of the Township of Chatsworth & District Minor Hockey please Contact Secretary/Registrar Debbie McNabb