Sep 12, 2010 | Vonnie Crawford | 1175 views
Coach, Trainer & Refresher Clinics
TCDMHA will be hosting a coach, coach refresher & trainer's clinic
The Coaches Recertification clinic hosted by TCDMHA is being held on Thursday Oct 7th Upstairs in the Keady Community Centre starting at 7:00 (Registration starts 6:30) The cost is $50, max 40 people.
D1 coaches clinic will be held Saturday Oct 16, & Sunday Oct 17th in Keady running 8:00 - 5:00 both days. (Registration start 7:30) Lunch will be provided
A Trainers clinic is being held on Saturday November 7th at, starting at 8 am the cost is $80.00 in Upstairs in Keady Community Centre. Lunch will be provided
Contact Kim Jex at 519-794-2349