Aug 23, 2010 | Vonnie Crawford | 7352 views
OMHA Increases Fighting Suspensions
OMHA has substantially increased the suspensions for fighting this season. The first
GM30 will be 2 games, a 2nd offence will be 4 games and if a third GM30 is received the suspension is indefinite until the player has a hearing.
GM codes for Aggressor & Instigator. GM36 = Instigator, GM37=Aggressor. Both of these infractions carry minor + 3 games.
GM34 Leaving the Penalty Box to start a fight 4 Games
GM33 Leaving the Players bench or Penalty Box for the player has been increased to 3 games.
GRM62 Removing Helmet AND/OR CHINSTRAP is 3 games.
The coach will automatically be assessed the same penalty and suspension as the player for this offense.