Mar 29, 2010 | Vonnie Crawford | 880 views
CHAMPS in Milverton
The TCDMHA Air Tech Mechanical Bantam Rep Rebels
won the championship Saturday at the Milverton Drives Bantam Rep tournament.
The Rebels were 2-0-1 in round robin play downing Milverton 8-5, Elma Logan 5-0 and tying Plattsville 3-3. They went on to meet Plattsville again in the final, defeating them 5-1. Shelby Kingston recorded the shut out along with winning the best goalie award in the shoot out. Scoring for the Rebels were Tyler McCracken and Joel Delleman with 4 each, Will Hicks with 3 goals, Tyler Williamson, Jeremy Torrie and Nick Bruce with 2 each and singles for Cory McGregor, Kevin Ireton, Jamie Grey-Scott, and Brock Wardell