Rebel Girls remain undefeated in weekend play!, News, Atom Girls "C", U11 2013/2014, 2013-2014 (TCDMHA)

This Team is part of the 2013-2014 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Dec 01, 2013 | Heather Vokes | 336 views
Rebel Girls remain undefeated in weekend play!
TCDMHA Desboro Lions Club Atom "C" girls defeated Wingham-Lucknow 3-0 this afternoon.  Grace Vokes earned her second straight shut out and fifth of the season!

The Rebels were defeated by Wingham Lucknow at the Markdale tournament in a close game earlier this season so they were determined to win this time.  They held a huddle in the dressing room previous to heading out on the ice to plan their strategy and it sure paid off!

The first period was scoreless as both teams battled hard to put the puck in the net.  In the second period Grace Scott ended the stalemate with a tip in passed by Olivia Houston.  Wingham-Lucknow tried their hardest but could not slip one past Grace Vokes.  Grace played a stellar game in net!

In the third period Abigail Vokes raced up the ice and scored two goals assisted by Natalie Mole, Olivia Houston and Georgia Rutter.  Way to go girls!  You should be proud of your work ethic and the dedication you showed to your team!
The Desboro Lions Club was chartered in 2005 with 54 members. Currently, we have 32 members. We try to participate in as many of the Lions International's global humanitarian efforts (disaster relief ...) as possible, but our main focus is on serving our local community. For additional information on the Desboro Lions Club or to get involved contact: Bruce Gardner RR 3 Chatsworth 802080 Grey Rd 40 794-3971 To get more information on Events Sponsored by the Desboro Lions Club visit their website Fundraisers include - Annual Pork Barbeque - always on the Saturday of the long weekend in May - "Dog Walk" (all funds raised go to the training of Guide Dogs in Oakville) occurs usually the last Sunday in May