PEEWEE REP OPEN SEASON WITH A WIN, News, PeeWee Rep, U13 2011/12, 2011-2012 (TCDMHA)

This Team is part of the 2011-2012 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Oct 12, 2011 | Vonnie Crawford | 634 views
The Harold Sutherland Construction Pee Wee Reps defeated Mount Forest 3-2 Tuesday night in Mount Forest in their first game of the year. 

TCDMHA  opened the scoring in the 2nd period on a goal by Owen Torrie, assisted by Evan Mielhausen.  Mount Forest wasn't long tying it up  to keep the game close less than 2 minutes later. 

With just over 7 minutes left in the 2nd, a Mount Forest player took a 4 minute penalty that we were able to capitalize on by scoring 2 goals. The first was a tap-in by Josh Batterman after a nice D to D pass by Austin Kuhl to Josh Blackwell who let a slap shot that rang the post.  The 2nd was also a nice goal by David Harrison with Josh Batterman getting the helper. Good job boys!